Where you can keep track of all of your horse's preventative care.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and your horse(s). You and your animals are our highest priority and we value your devotion to their health and well-being. Preventative care is one of the most important services that we offer, and our goal is to keep all of our patients up to date.
We have created a Client Portal where you can access information from your horse's medical record 24/7, by going to Pet Portal and choosing "Pet Owner Login".
If you do not already have a log-in, please call our office so we can set it up for you. Initially, your password will be the same as your username/email address. The first time you log in you will be prompted to change your temporary password.
On this page you can view your horse’s vaccine and dental history, review previous and upcoming appointments, and even upload photos of your horse to the account.
If you have any questions regarding our Client Portal, feel free to give us a call at (209) 524-9191.
First: You need to call our office at (209) 524-9191 and request access to the Client Portal. You will be granted access to the Portal and be sent an informational email with your Login information. Your username and password will be your email address the first time you login.
Second: Go to Pet Portal OR search "eVet Practice Client Login" in Google.
Third: Enter your email address as both the username and password. You will be prompted to change your password once you log in for the first time
Fourth: The Dashboard of the Pet Portal will show you contact information for our clinic, a list of your active horses, and upcoming appointments. You may also see documents or notes shared with you by our staff.
Fifth: Click on the Vaccination History button in the Pets box to view each horse's recent vaccine, dental, or sheath cleaning history. The "Date Expires" indicates when the next treatment is due. You can choose to print all vaccines given to the horse, or only the active (most recent) ones. *Please note that, while it is called "Vaccinations," we have included other important preventative care such as dental floats and sheath cleanings for your convenience.*
Sixth: From the Dashboard you can view a horse's information by clicking on this button: (looks like an eye with the word 'Actions' over it) or click on "Add Pet" to add a new horse that we do not currently have in our records. You can also add photos of each animal, if you choose, which will be shared to our records as well.
Seventh: By clicking on Account Information on the top left hand corner of the Dashboard screen, you can view the contact information that we have on file for you. You can add and edit phone numbers from this screen. If other information needs to be changed, please call our office at (209) 524-9191.
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One fine body…